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Oct. 3rd hike “Road of 52 tunnels” (Padua)

“Road of 52 tunnels” is one of the most fantastic hike of the Alps...
And we are planning the hike for the 3rd of October.

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An amazing experience that everyone should experience in their lifetime.
Besides breath taking views at many different points, the WW1 road is also universally acclaimed as a masterpiece of Italian military engineering and boldness. The hike itself is pretty easy and does not require any specific technical skill. But...
Good shoes, layered clothing, water AND a flashlight (!!!) ARE ALL MANDATORY.

Based on panoramic detours and attendees’ (lack of) fitness the round trip could last from 5 hours up to the recommended 7 hours.

We are planning the hike for a Saturday Oct 3rd, to be confirmed for ideal weather forecast.

If you'd like to receive more information, or suggest your preferred date, write me here or via:
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Possible agenda:

7:00 Rendezvous at Padova (1st train-station, then IKEA car-park) and drive to Posina (VI)
8:30 Car-park in Posina “bocchetta Campiglia” (m. Protected content , N.45°46'43.7" E.11°13'41.0" (5€)
9:00 Start hiking
12:30 Launch at “Rifugio Papa” (alpine restaurant 20€, or BYOF)
14:00 Return hike with panoramic detour
17:30 Drive back to Padova
19:00 Arrive at Padova

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Rifugio Papa” (alpine restaurant) Protected content

Credits: idea and inspiration by fellow Internation Eli S.

La “Strada delle 52 gallerie” è una delle più fantastiche escursioni delle Alpi...
E la stiamo organizzando per il 3 Ottobre!!!

“Road of 52 tunnels” is one of the most fantastic hike of the Alps...
And we are planning the hike for the 3rd of October (English below)

E’ un’esperienza meravigliosa che tutti dovrebbero fare una volta nella vita.
Oltre ad offrire panorami mozzafiato, la strada è anche universalmente considerada un capolavoro di audacia e ingegneria militare italiana. L'esclusione è abbastanza semplice e non richiede conoscenze tecniche, COMUNQUE…
Un buon paio di scarte, vestiti a cipolla, acqua e una torcia elettrica SONO OBBLIGATORI.

A seconda delle del percorso scelto e il livello di allenamento dei partecipanti l'escursione può durare da un minimo di 5 ore fino alle 7 ore raccomandate.

Stiamo organizzando la gita per Sabato 3 Ottobre, da confermare anche a seconda delle previsioni meteo.

Per maggiori informazioni potete contattare me o Enrico Martin qui o via:

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6:15 Ritrovo a Treviso (Sportler Silea)
7:00 Ritrovo at Padova (parcheggio IKEA) and guida fino a Posina (VI)
8:30 Parcheggio a Posina “bocchetta Campiglia” (m. Protected content , N.45°46'43.7" E.11°13'41.0" (5€)
9:00 Inizio Escursione
12:30 Pranzo al “Rifugio Papa” (circa 20€, o portate il pranzo al sacco)
14:00 Inizio ritorno lungo l’anello panoramico.
17:30 Arrivo al parcheggio Posina “bocchetta Campiglia” e macchina Padova
19:00 Arrivo a Padova

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Rifugio Papa” (alpine restaurant) Protected content

Credits: da un’idea della collega Internations Eli S.


An amazing experience that everyone should experience in their lifetime.
Besides breath taking views at many different points, the WW1 road is also universally acclaimed as a masterpiece of Italian military engineering and boldness. The hike itself is pretty easy and does not require any specific technical skill. But...
Good shoes, layered clothing, water AND a flashlight (!!!) ARE ALL MANDATORY.

Based on panoramic detours and attendees’ (lack of) fitness the round trip could last from 5 hours up to the recommended 7 hours.

We are planning the hike for a Saturday Oct 3rd, to be confirmed for ideal weather forecast.

If you'd like to receive more information, or suggest your preferred date, write me here or via:
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Possible agenda:

7:00 Rendezvous at Padova (1st train-station, then IKEA car-park) and drive to Posina (VI)
8:30 Car-park in Posina “bocchetta Campiglia” (m. Protected content , N.45°46'43.7" E.11°13'41.0" (5€)
9:00 Start hiking
12:30 Launch at “Rifugio Papa” (alpine restaurant 20€, or BYOF)
14:00 Return hike with panoramic detour
17:30 Drive back to Padova
19:00 Arrive at Padova

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Rifugio Papa” (alpine restaurant) Protected content

Credits: idea and inspiration by fellow Internation Eli S.

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