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2024.Q2 Hike - Brunnsteinhütte (Mittenwald)

Hosted by the Consul of the Munich Young Spirits in their 30s & 40s Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 month ago
Mon 24 Jun 10:00 - 16:30

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We are going this time to do the route :
brunnsteinhuette is a hut with several possibilities to reach. we will go over the Hängebrücke am Leitersteig on the way what offer fantastics views. Be prepare to the longest way with Protected content height difference over 13 km long wall. Bring a rain cout for eventually drizzel rain.

You need :
good physical condition, hiking gear ( mountain boots with good sole grip are very advisable) , water ,, etc the usual. This is not a walk, this is rather an sport event.

Everyone is responsible for their transportation tickets since I assume that most of you have a Deutschland Ticket etc.