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Start Running Now - Part 1

Hosted by the Consul of the Munich Running Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Mon 20 May 11:00 - 12:00

Ready to Join?

Have you ever thought about jogging, but didn't know how to start, where to go or who to run with?

Or did you use to run, but for some reason you haven't done it for a while and are finding it hard to get back into it?

Then join us Monday and Friday and take your first steps!

We will start very easy: On Monday, we will run moderatly 5× 2 min. and walk 2 min. between the run cycles – for a total of 18 min.

On Friday, we we will run 4× 3 minutes and walk 2 min. in between the running cycles – that's a total of 18 min. again.

After the exercise, we will have a quick snack at one of the bakeries close to U-Bahn Fraunhoferstraße, either Rischart or Zöttl.

You don't need any fancy functional clothing. A T-shirt and a pair of sneakers will do for now.

Of course you'll take part at your own risk. I am neither a doctor nor a trainer and while I think running is generally good for most people, I cannot assess your state of health or fitness. The suggested running plan is simply what worked for me after being a couch potato for most of my life ;-)

Can't do Monday and Friday? Stop making excuses! ;-)
Just kidding. Feel free to let me know which days would work better for you.