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Looking for Argentinian Expats in Finland?

  • Meet Argentinians in Finland

  • Get information in our Finland guide

  • Join exciting events and activities

  • Exchange tips about expat life in Finland

  • Francois Bertrand

    I found a former Helsinki expat who had recently moved back to Brazil, so we swapped all the important need-to-knows.

An amazing community is waiting for you!

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Meet other Argentinians at our events in Finland

Attend our monthly events and activities for Argentinians expatriates to get to know like-minded expatriates in real life.

Feb 21, 2025, 6:00 PM
27 attendees
Time for some friendship networking and socialising! Let's get together at the fun and casual Kraken! Set in the heart of Helsinki, only a 5 minutes walk from Kamppi. Join us for a chat, sip some co
Feb 22, 2025, 12:00 PM
6 attendees
French artist Pauline Curnier Jardin’s exhibition transforms (...) Protected content (...) exhibition space into a grotesque theme park. The film works that await us in its depths offer glimpses int
In the final week of the Larissa Sansour exhibition, we present Familiar Phantoms, the 8th artwork of Larissa Sansour’s solo exhibition – on display until 2 March 2025 – as part of a special finissage
Feb 28, 2025, 4:00 PM
1 attendee
Turku is at it again. The city is in the forefront of promoting the 2025 Integration initiative set forth by the Prime Minister's office. On event that is for those who want to show their talent is th

Want to meet other Argentinians at our events?

    Meet other Argentinians in Finland

    Our Global Partners

    Pursue your hobbies with amazing new friends

    Do you want to continue with your hobbies — or discover new ones — while living abroad? There’s a variety of InterNations Groups you can join, including everything from sightseeing to hiking. These are run by dedicated Consuls with at least one activity each month, such as dinners in the cities finest restaurants, sports or outings with other expats to explore all that your new home has to offer.

    Find other Argentinians to share your hobbies with

    Find Tips and Advice on Finland from Argentinian Expats

    Of course, expat living in Finland is not just about shipping your belongings and filing in some bureaucratic papers. Regular socializing with fellow Argentinians is an essential part of expat life and helps getting accustomed to the Finnish way of life and mentality. InterNations helps you connect and meet up with other Argentinians in Finland, residing in Helsinki, Oulu, Pori and many other places throughout the country. Just take a look at our group of Argentinians in Helsinki.

    If you ever wish to have a chat in your native language, discover where to shop for Argentinian food or discuss your favorite sports team's latest match, become a member of the Finnish InterNations Community:

    • Look up our top quality network to get to know open-minded expats from Argentina in Finland.
    • Obtain and share insider tips in our Finland Expat Forums – e.g. how to hire a babysitter fluent in your native tongue for your children or where to get empanada in Oulu.
    • Search the InterNations Places database for Finland to get information on institutions from your home country, including the Argentinian embassy.

    From the thousands of lakes and little islands to its beautiful birch forests and coniferous taiga woods, we’ll help you connect with supportive and friendly Argentinian expats in Finland.

    Join Our Expat Activities and Mingle with Fellow Argentinians in Finland

    Moreover, please feel free to attend our regular expat events and activities in Finland. Our get-togethers are very diverse and range from a cozy gathering to enjoy the traditional Finnish poronkäristys, to big expat celebrations with hundreds of participants in Helsinki’s best locations. You can also participate in one of our expat trips to go and see Finnish Lapland beyond the polar circle as well as other beautiful landmarks in Finland.

    Our meet-ups and activities are a great opportunity to mingle with expats from Argentina and various other countries in a casual setting. Interested? Just sign up and you’ll soon be receiving a cordial ¡Hola! from our Argentinians living in Finland!